In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has made remarkable advancements, particularly with the emergence of deepfake technology, which enables the creation of highly realistic videos and images of individuals, both living and deceased. However, the ethical implications surrounding the use of such technology, especially in resurrecting historical figures like Marilyn Monroe and John Wayne, raise significant concerns.
While AI has the capability to generate lifelike simulations of appearances and voices of iconic personalities, it’s crucial to understand that these simulations are not the actual individuals but rather digital recreations. Moreover, utilising deepfake technology to impersonate real people without their consent raises ethical red flags.
The notion of bringing back historical figures through AI prompts reflection on the ethical considerations and implications involved. Respecting the legacies and memories of individuals like Marilyn Monroe and John Wayne is paramount, and any use of AI technology for this purpose must be approached with sensitivity and reverence.
While AI technology holds the potential to simulate historical figures convincingly, ethical concerns regarding consent, authenticity, and respect for individuals’ legacies must be carefully addressed. It’s imperative to recognise that these simulations are digital recreations and not genuine representations of the iconic personalities they seek to emulate.
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